AGE 12 | 2017

Since the start of this year Bintang has completed a number of large scale canvas paintings. His ideas have become more varied with reference to objects, favorite foods, and exploration of color while also demonstrating an increasing richness of shape be it abstract or experimental as in the case of toy collages. This development is demonstrated by the following works, the first titled “Abu-Abu.” In this painting Bintang explores a guava tree that once grew in front of his house. Bintang expressed his sadness and longing for the sweet guava and multi-colored leaves (yellow and green) that had a unique shape. After this tree died it was difficult to find the same seeds. Because of this Bintang chose to draw the tree instead. However, rather than the vibrant tree Bintang once knew, his painting depicted a black and white tree, its leaves flecked with silver intended to reflect light. Besides this work, another significant piece from 2017 emerged from Bintang’s love of cooking. Titled “Chicken Soup,” this painting is based on Bintang’s favorite recipe; a recipe found in a book given to Bintang as a gift. Altogether Bintang chose four recipes to be written out in his painting. In addition to these works, Bintang created a “toy collage” made from his old toys, combined with a sketch done in colored marker. This entire work was unified with a red canvas as its base in order that everything depicted stood out. Besides canvas, Bintang frequently paints on miniature cars. Bintang plans to exhibit these paintings and toy cars at his upcoming solo exhibition that will be held in Batu, East Java in August 2017. Pray for his success yea!


Sejumlah lukisan kanvas berukuran besar dikerjakan pada tahun ini. Ide-ide Bintang makin variatif. Baik ide dari benda, makanan kesukaan, memoles warna, sampai soal haus di bulan puasa . Lukisan Bintang makin kaya bentuk, dari yang abstrak sampai kolase mainan. Pada salah satu lukisannya berjudul “Abu-abu”. Ia mengekplorasi pohon jambu yang dulu pernah tumbuh di depan rumah. Ia sedih karena buah jambunya manis dan daunnya dua warna (kuning dan hijau). Karena daunnya pohonnya unik. Setelah mati susah nyari bibitnya lagi. Lalu digambar saja sama Bintang. Dua warna, tapi hitam putih. Selain warna hitam putih, pada beberapa daun diselipkan warna silver. Agar bila terkena cahaya bisa memantul dari lukisan tersebut. Karya lainnya lahir karena ia suka memasak. Lukisan berjudul “Sop Ayam” dikerjakan dengan cara memilih resep kesukaannya. Resep ini didapat dari buku yang dihadiahkan orang lain padanya. Lalu ia memilih 4 resep dengan cara ditulis. Lukisan lainnya adalah membuat kolase dari mainan bekas ketika ia masih kecil. Kolase mainan itu digabung dengan sketsa berbahan spidol berwarna. Kanvas merah menjadi dasar warna agar semua yang dilukisnya nampak menonjol. Selain kanvas, Bintang juga rajin melukis miniatur mobil. Lukisan-lukisan kanvas dan mobil toys yang dikerjakan ini ditargetkan untuk pameran tunggalnya di Kota Batu, Jawa Timur bulan Agustus 2017. Doakan sukses yaa….

Categories: Gallery

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