AGE 11 | 2016

The year 2016 marked a decline in Bintang’sproduction of sketches. This was in part the result of Bintang’s school activities and homework that occupied the majority of his time. As a result, Bintangutilized weekends and holidays as a time to produce works, focusing his energies painting works on canvas. In correlation with the exhibition of the Presidential Collection of the Republic of Indonesia at the National Gallery in Jakarta, Bintangpainted a logo for this exhibition employing the number 17/71. This work was collected by a friend of Bintang’s father. In addition to this, Bintang also created three paintings in the Bandung studio of master artist JeihanSukmantoro. The result of Bintang’s creative process throughout 2016 were awesome textured paintings on canvas.

Pada tahun ini, Bintang sudah mulai jarang membuat sketsa. Tugas sekolah sudah mulai mendominasi kegiatan Bintang sehari-hari. Jadi secara otomatis, hanya pada hari libur saja berkarya. Karya-karyanya lebih banyak lukisan di kanvas. Pada saat pameran koleksi Istana Kepresidenan Republik Indonesia di Galeri Nasional Jakarta, Bintang melukis logo pameran yakni angka 17/71 yang akhirnya dikoleksi oleh teman ayahnya. Selain itu ia juga sempat melukis 3 karya di studio maestro Jeihan Sukmantoro di Bandung. Hasilnya berupa lukisan kanvas bertekstur yang keren-keren.




Categories: Gallery

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