AGE 8 | 2013

At the age of eight Bintang’s energy increased. He created numerous paintings on canvas using both oil and acrylic paint. His enthusiasm for sketching persisted. Throughout 2013, Bintang used pencil, pen, and colored markers, experimenting with the use of two markers at once, combined as one. He painted on any and every surface including hotel glasses and tissue (to name just a few). At this point, the result of Bintang’s experimentation was canvases with greater texture and relatively complex drawings. While this complexity was demonstrated by the precision of his line, his use of color remained disorderly, however, this disorder became Bintang’s mode for expressing his extreme energy.

Di usia ini Bintang makin besar tenaganya. Banyak sekali lukisan yang dikerjakan pada kanvas dengan menggunakan cat minyak atau/dan akrilik. Semangat untuk menggambar dengan sketsa juga luar biasa. Bintang bisa menggunakan pensil, pena, sampai spidol berwarna, dengan berabagai teknik memegang 2 spidol yang disatukan. Ia melukis pada bidang apapun, seperti alas gelas yang dipakai di hotel, maupun pada tisu dan lain-lain. Sampai-sampai ia melukis pada kanvas pun mulai bertekstur. Gambarnya lumayan rumit. Garis-garisnya tegas dan saling berseberangan. Warnanya memang belum teratur namun telah menjadi cara dia untuk menumpahkan energi yang makin besar.

Categories: Gallery

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