AGE 7 | 2012

By the age of seven Bintang enthusiastically depicted objects in his work. His ability to represent objects was both wide and diverse. Throughout 2012,Bintang continued to use paper, water color and acrylic paint most frequently, every now and again, working on canvas. At this point he also realized a number of his sketches on t-shirts. At least three shirts were created in partnership with Aunt Nurto’ifa. In addition, a digital photo of a drawing by his father was even used as inspiration for a painting. This work was saved as a drawing of Bintang’s by his father. Throughout 2012, crayon and pen were the dominant media used by Bintang to create his work.

Bintang sudah mulai giat membentuk objek pada usia ini. Tangannya amat luwes dalam menciptakan objek. temanya bervariasi. Masih banyak menggunakan kertas, denga nmenggunakan cat air dan akrilik, meskipun ada sejumlah kanvas yang dipakai sebagai bidang melukis. Pada usia ini pula, sketsa-sketsa Bintang direalisasikan pada kaos. Setidaknya ada 3 kaos yang dikerjakan oleh Tante Nurto’ifa sebagai partner pembuatan kaos. Ada juga foto hasil cetakan digital bergambar sang ayah langsung menjadi sasaran melukis. Akhirnya malah disimpan sebagai gambar karya Bintang oleh ayahnya. Penggunaan krayon dan pena begitu dominan dalam kekaryaan Bintang.

Categories: Gallery

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